The Banner family business was founded 85 years ago in Rankweil, Vorarlberg, Austria by Artur Bawart. In the meantime much has changed, from the company’s location, which is now firmly rooted in Upper Austria, to its global expansion and the move towards e-mobility and energy solutions. However, what has remained unaltered from the outset to this day is the high standard of quality that has made Banner an internationally recognised supplier of innovative, energy storage solutions with reliable bull power.
Banner’s Commercial CEO, Andreas Bawart and its Technical CEO, Thomas Bawart, are successfully leading the company into the future. Moreover, they can rely upon their highly coordinated team of more than 800 employees across Europe. A team, that every day gives its very best in the company’s Automotive - OE/IAM and Energy Solutions business units.
photo: Artur Bawart - the Banner founder
Everything began in 1937, in a garage in Vorarlberg, where the first hundred batteries were manufactured. This total increased year by year, and with the relocation to Linz in 1952, for the first time more than 10,000 batteries were delivered. The next milestone was achieved in 1972 at the current company location with output of over 100,000 units and after another twenty years the one-million-battery milestone was also passed.
Every year, Austria‘s sole manufacturer of starter batteries invests ten million euros in new product research and development. The demand is enormous and from the locations in Linz/Leonding and Thalheim bei Wels, as well as the branches across Europe, over four million starter batteries are sold yearly in more than seventy European, African and Asian countries. Annual sales revenues amount to some € 270 million. Numerous well-known customers such as Aston Martin, Audi, BMW, Bomag, Caterpillar, Jungheinrich, Käss- bohrer, Knaus Tabbert, KTM, Linde, Liebherr, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Rammax, Rolls-Royce, Schmitz Cargobull, Seat, Suzuki, Volvo, VW and Wacker Neuson all trust in Banner quality and service. Moreover, thanks to the preservation of its independence, the commitment of an outstanding team and numerous precautionary measures, the company has succeeded in overcoming past times of crisis and is well positioned for the future. Accordingly, the success story is set to continue...
1937Artur Bawart zakladá v rakúskom Rankweili, v spolkovej krajine Vorarlbersko, firmu Banner.
1953Presunutie sídla do Linzu-Kleinmunchenu v centrálnej časti Rakúska.
1959Vybudovaný nový závod na ulici Salzburger Straße.
1968Spoločnosť Banner vyrába prvú vopred nabitú (dry charged) štartovaciu batériu a zaraduje sa tak k prvým výrobcom využívajúcim túto technológiu v rámci celej Európy.
1976Vývoj výrobnej technológie zváraných polypropylénových (PP) batérií.
1980Zahájenie výroby absolútne bezúdržbových batérií Banner na báze olovo-vápnik-cín. Implementáciou tejto inovatívnej technológie ako prvý európsky výrobca akumulátorov sa spoločnosť Banner stáva vzorom pre ostatných.
1988Na trh je uvedená bezúdržbová štartovacia batéria Banner Uniturbo, ktorá rieši problém s rôznymi typmi štartovacích batérií.
1994Certifikácia podľa normy ISO 9001 prostredníctvom spoločnosti TÜV Product Service.
1996Andreas a Thomas Bawartovci preberajú vedenie skupiny podnikov Banner.
2000Audi AG oceňuje spoločnosť Banner prestížnou cenou za kvalitu za rok 1999.
2004Batéria Banner víťazí v testu spotrebiteľskej organizácie Stiftung Warentest! Produkt sa symbolom byvola – autobatéria Power Bull 62 Ah – získava 1. miesto v teste!
2007Investície za cca 7 miliónov eur do závodu v Linzi (logistické centrum, výroba batérií AGM).
2012V roku 2012 víťazí batéria Banner Power Bull v teste konvenčných štartovacích batérií spotrebiteľskej organizácie Stiftung Warentest a automotoklubu ADAC. Batéria Banner Power Bull Typ P72 09 sa stáva víťazom testu s najlepšou známkou „veľmi dobré“ (1,4).
2015Spoločnosť Daimler AG nominovala spoločnosť Banner Batterien ako jedného zo svojich troch najlepších dodávateľov v kategórii „Kvalita“ na ocenenie Daimler Supplier Award 2015.
2017Banner celebrates its eightieth birthday.
And in the course of the last eight decades it has produced some 80 million starter batteries. Banner’s history has been shaped by the twin values of continuity and independence. -
2018Zavedenie novej technológie pre segment úžitkových automobilov - EFB a vysokoprúdová ,ako aj výrazné rozšírenie sortimentu v segmente osobných automobilov.