For our suppliers
and those who want to become one!
What we need
Banner requirements:
- EURO pallets: used, dark, heat-treated, supplied unpacked
- Corrugated board sheets; format: 1180 x 780mm / quality: 01-B
- Extra strong interlayers, format: 1180 x 780 x 15 mm, quality: 3/300 ACA 3-corrugated
- Rolled corrugated board; quality: C-RWP/C profile / width: 800mm - length: 100m
- Packaging materials: adhesive tape, stretch wrapping film, shrink covers
- Used batteries
- Overseas transports: ex-USA and Asia
- Injection moulded plastic parts: boxes, lids, terminal covers, screws
- Lead
- Concentrated sulphuric acid
- Separators: glass mat, PE and AGM separators
Delivery information
Delivery times:
Mon-Thurs: 7.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Fri: 7.00 a.m. to 12 noon
Deliveries outside the above times only after consultation with the Purchasing Department
Lead deliveries 1 - Gate 3: CaBC alloys, CaAg, soft lead-tin alloys
Lead deliveries 2 - Gate 2: soft lead
Lead deliveries 3 - Gate 13: soft lead
Gate 16: negative and positive calcium expanded metal
Ramp 1-2 for imports: boxes, lids, separators and various materials
Ramp 3-9 for exports

Lead delivery 1
Gate 3: CaBC alloy, CaCG, hard lead, soft lead-tin alloy
Lead delivery 2
Gate 2: soft lead
Lead delivery 3
Gate 13: soft lead
Gate 16: negative and positive calcium expanded metal
Gate 16: negative and positive calcium expanded metal
Ramp 1-2 for delivery: boxes, lids, separators and various materials
Ramp 3-9 for dispatch
Ramp 3-9 for dispatch
Gate 12: sulphuric acid
Become a Banner supplier
- Initial contact takes place either via an enquiry from Banner with respect to one or several parts of a material group, or an initiative on your part regarding the presentation of your products.
- You supply an offer and samples of the requested parts, which Banner will then examine.
- If your offer and the samples are in order, as a next step you must complete the supplier information sheet correctly and in full, and then return it to Banner.
- If the supplier information sheet has been completed in full and released by Banner, you will be sent a “Quality Assurance Agreement Directive for Suppliers”, which contains specific customer and Banner requirements. You will accept this agreement with your signature.
- If you do not have certification according to IATF 16949, a potential analysis is carried out on the basis of the supplier self-assessment. If certification according to IATF 16949 is required, a supplier audit (process audit by means of an audit checklist according to VDA 6.3) is carried out. If a certification according to IATF 16949 is available or the aforementioned measures are evaluated positively, you as a potential supplier will be released.
- If you are approved as a potential supplier, a trial delivery is agreed. If this is OK, a release for series deliveries takes place. If the trial delivery is not in order, measures will be agreed. The measures can lead to a new trial delivery or to a termination of the delivery activity.
- Once a year a supplier evaluation is carried out based on 4 main criteria (quality, price, logistics and communication).
Application documents
Purchasing Department
Mag. Reinhard Bauer
Head of SCM / Purchasing & Logistics
Insurance, Energy
Insurance, Energy
Telephone: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21300 |
Fax: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21399 |
Birgit Schuhmayer
Telephone: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21314 |
Fax: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21399 |
Mag. (FH) Gerold Fritz
Plastic parts, Separators, Chemicals/Additives, Packaging
Strategic Purchasing
Strategic Purchasing
Telephone: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21302 |
Mobil: | +43 (0) 676 87 38 13 02 |
Fax: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21399 |
Christina Auberger-Kochs
Plastic parts, Separators, Chemicals/Additives, Packaging
Operational Purchasing
Operational Purchasing
Telephone: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21301 |
Fax: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21399 |
Kjasif Smajlovic
Zubehör, Etiketten, Transporte, Batterien
Strategischer Einkauf
Strategischer Einkauf
Telephone: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21308 |
Fax: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21399 |
Wolfgang Lepschi
Operativer Einkauf
Operativer Einkauf
Telephone: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21306 |
Fax: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21399 |
Martin Veit
Auxiliary and Operating Materials, Advertising Materials, Equipment, Leasing Personnel, Fleet Management
Strategic Purchasing
Strategic Purchasing
Telephone: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21303 |
Fax: | +43 (0)732 38 88 21399 |
Carolyn Michler
Auxiliary and Operating Materials, Advertising Materials, Equipment, Leasing Personnel, Fleet Management
Operational Purchasing
Operational Purchasing
Telephone: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21304 |
Fax: | +43 (0) 732 38 88 21399 |